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ㆍ 제목 [KIMSA Monthly Colloquium] 2016 4rd KIMSA Monthly Colloquium
ㆍ 조회수 5125 ㆍ 등록일시 2016-10-10 23:34:09
ㆍ 작성자 한국이민학회
ㆍ 첨부파일

[KIMSA Monthly Colloquium] 2016 4rd KIMSA Monthly Colloquium 

1. Date :  October 17, 2016 (Mon) 19:00~21:00

2. Location : Samsung Life Insurance Seocho Tower 5F, Room 511

#11, Seocho-daero 74-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

3. Presenter : Dr. Youngmi Choi (Gyeonggido Family & Women Research Institute)

​4. Subject : Measures for promoting Migrant Support Organizations -in focus of the NGOs-



* Dinner box will be served.

* If you are interested in attending the colloquium, please let us know (KIMSA contact: kimsa4info@gmail.com ) before October 14


이전글 [월례발표회] 2016년 제4차 월례발표회 : 최영미박사
다음글 [정기학술대회] 2016년 한국이민학회 후기학술대회 개최